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Our covers start from as little as £16.73.

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Standard cover

Instant cover for the most common conveyancing problems and probate.

Available covers:

Covers the continued use of access-ways (on foot and by car) and existing services in use for the past 12 months without complaint or consent.
Covers the continued use of existing service pipes, wires and cables, and septic tank (if any), in use for the past 12 months without complaint or consent.
Covers claims arising from lack of ground rent receipts, unauthorised alterations and/or unauthorised assignments, due to a missing, unresponsive or insolvent landlord.
Covers claims arising from lack of rentcharge payment receipts, and unauthorised alterations and/or use. Does not cover breach of positive obligations.
Covers alterations and additions or the conversion of a flat 12 or more months ago without the landlord's consent. Available for residential properties only. If you require a quotation for a Commercial property, please contact the Underwriting team.
Provides 15 years' cover for loss, which arises from building over or near a public drain or sewer without local authority or water authority consent
Covers legal enforcement of building regulations (including FENSA and/or other installation compliance certificates) in relation to works completed over 12 months ago. Does not cover defective work unless unprompted enforcement action is taken.
Covers a mortgage-lender of owner-occupied houses or flats built over 2 years ago where there is no NHBC Buildmark guarantee, architect's certificate or similar warranty. Available for residential properties only.
Never-ending cover for the liability to pay for repair to the chancel of a parish church, if the liability, or notice of it, is not currently registered at the Land Registry.
Provides 35 years' cover for defective insurance provisions in a lease. Available for residential properties only.
Covers clean-up / remediation costs imposed on a property-owner when an environmental report on contamination has been returned marked Further Action or Failed.
Provides 35 years' cover for the denial of rights to maintain buildings which extend over or under adjoining properties.
Covers loss to a mortgage-lender if the landlord forfeits the lease due to the tenant's bankruptcy or breach of covenant (other than by non-payment of ground rent and/or service charges). Available for residential properties only. If you require a quotation for a Commercial property, please contact the Underwriting team.
Provides cover in the event that the title out of which the lease was granted is challenged.
Covers claims for repayment of a gift of money used for purchase deposit if the person making the gift is declared bankrupt.
Provides cover if a property is sold at less than its full market value (including by sales incentives and discounts) and the seller is subsequently declared insolvent.
Provides cover when a missing lease to a property is said to have been enlarged but may not have been capable of being enlarged with the result that the property remains subject to unknown rights and interests. Available for residential properties only. If you require a quotation for a Commercial property, please contact the Underwriting team.
Provides 35 years' cover for a tenant who is unable to enforce maintenance and repair to other parts of the building because provisions in the tenant's lease are inadequate
Provides cover when all or some of the freehold title deeds to a residential or commercial property have been lost, destroyed or mislaid. Cover includes unknown freehold restrictive covenants and unknown third party rights that might be enforced after the start date of the policy.
Provides cover against the enforcement of mining and mineral extraction rights if reserved at least 12 months ago.
Provides cover to executors, administrators and beneficiaries if a known beneficiary cannot be traced and subsequently claims against a distributed estate.
Provides cover to executors, administrators and beneficiaries if an unknown relative of the deceased cannot be traced and subsequently claims against a distributed estate.
Provides cover to executors, administrators and beneficiaries if an unknown maternal relative of the deceased cannot be traced and subsequently claims against a distributed estate.
Covers clean-up / remediation costs imposed on a property-owner when land is identified as being contaminated, if an environmental search has not been carried out.
Covers just a mortgage-lender against adverse matters disclosed by local land charge, local authority, water, drainage and mining searches which have not been carried out before the mortgage is completed.
Covers a property buyer and mortgage-lender against adverse matters disclosed by local land charge, local authority, water, drainage and mining searches which have not been carried out before purchase.
Provides cover against the enforcement of occupational rights under a lease granted 20 or more years ago.
Covers the inability to show planning consent or conservation area consent for extensions or alterations completed 12 months ago.
Covers parts registered at the Land Registry with possessory title only. Cover includes unknown freehold restrictive covenants and unknown third party rights that might be enforced after the start date of the policy.
Covers an entire property registered at the Land Registry with possessory title only because title deeds were lost or destroyed. Cover includes unknown freehold restrictive covenants and unknown third party rights that might be enforced after the start date of the policy.
Provides cover for breaches of known or unknown restrictive covenants 12 or more months ago.
Covers a property buyer and mortgage-lender against adverse matters disclosed by local land charge, local authority, water, drainage and mining searches which have been submitted but not returned.
Covers a property buyer and mortgage-lender against unknown adverse matters which would be disclosed by local land charge, local authority, water, drainage and mining searches carried out on completion which were not disclosed by searches carried out within the past 18 months.
Provides cover when a residential property is held by an under lease, and there is no evidence that rent is being paid under the underlease, or the superior lease or landlord is missing, or the immediate landlord is missing and may not be paying rent. Available for residential properties only. If you require a quotation for a Commercial property, please contact the Underwriting team.
Covers the enforcement of legal rights of way granted 30 or more years ago which have been wholly or partially obstructed for the past 10 years.
Provides cover to executors, administrators and beneficiaries if an unknown paternal relative of the deceased cannot be traced and subsequently claims against a distributed estate.
Provides cover to administrators and beneficiaries if a valid will is discovered following distribution of a deceased's estate under the intestacy rules.
Covers the enforcement of legal rights of way or rights to lay services contained in missing deeds.
Covers the enforcement of legal rights of way or rights to lay services granted 30 or more years ago which have been wholly or partially obstructed for the past 10 years.
Provides cover to executors, administrators and beneficiaries if a known beneficiary cannot be traced and subsequently claims against a distributed estate.
Provides cover to executors, administrators and beneficiaries if a beneficiary, whose identity was not known to you despite enquiries having been undertaken, subsequently claims against a distributed estate.
Provides cover to administrators and beneficiaries if a valid will is discovered following distribution of a deceased's estate under the intestacy rules.
Provides cover to administrators and beneficiaries where no statutory notice (under Section27 of the Trustee Act 1925 or equivalent provision in Scotland) has been placed.
Provides cover to administrators and beneficiaries where no statutory notice (under Section27 of the Trustee Act 1925 or equivalent provision in Scotland) has been placed.

From 1 October 2024, we are changing the way we underwrite your UK Legal Indemnity (LI) business.

Since 2019, some Legal Indemnities enquiries have been outsourced to underwriters at DUAL Asset, to whom we have delegated authority to offer cover on Aviva's behalf.

While we retain a strong partnership relationship with DUAL Asset, we have taken the strategic decision to bring this previously outsourced business back in-house so that all LI business sent to Aviva will be traded via an Aviva underwriter or the L.I.ON website.

If you have any questions please read our FAQs but please feel free to contact our team at LISupport@aviva.com

Bespoke cover

We can create bespoke solutions for conveyancing risks that don't suit Standard cover.

If you are unable to satisfy the self-issue criteria or need cover for

  • Developments
  • New-builds
  • Securitisation risks

How to pay for your policy

Make BACS payments to

Bank: Lloyds Bank PLC
Address: City Office, PO Box 72, Bailey Drive, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0AT
Account Name: Aviva Insurance Limited
Account No: 00526784
Sort Code: 30-00-02

Please include your Policy number.

Insurance Premium Tax

All LION policy premiums quoted are inclusive of IPT at the prevailing rate.